About us

Our goal is that we make the everyday work of our clients working in the field of electrical equipments production easier.
You can count on our assistance in design and production of graphic foils, printed circuits and membrane switch boards and we offer you fast prototypes with or without assembly (PCB or PCBA) electrically tested.


30+ years experience in PCB production

Our company was founded in 1989 with the goal that we help our domestic clients producing electrical equipments to make more efficient and easier. That time we focused on design and production of printed circuits (PCB). We have been developping our technology background and fields of activities for more than 30 years. Today we are for our clients' assistance not only in production but design, electrical test or even in rework of printed circuits or membrane switch boards.

If you would like to know more about our history read the article.

We do not make compromise in quality

Day by day we use our 30+ years experience during production of qualified printed circuits, graphic foils and membrane swich boards. We believe that we could be the biggest society owned by 100% Hungarian strategic investrors thanked to the knowledge, professional materials, team work and technology background.

1997 óta Bureau Veritas által tanúsított ISO9001 minőségirányítási rendszerrel végezzük gyártási tevékenységünket, nyomtatott áramköreink közül az egy-, kétoldalas, és négyrétegű nyomtatott áramkörök pedig 19 éve UL minősítettek.

Fast and trusteable

Fast and trusteable solutions

In the past few years the demand for fast professional prototypes has become more significant. We help you realize this.

Your offer request are answered within 1-3 hours. We offer you printed circuit prototypes within 24-48 hours, graphic foils within 24 hours.

Continuous quality control and electrical test

Quality control is a very important part of the manufacturing process.

Gyártás közben vizuális és igény esetén elektromos technológiákkal is teszteljük a készülő nyomtatott áramköröket, előlapfóliákat és fóliatasztatúrákat. A szakadás és zárlat vizsgálat; furat ellenőrzés; furatátmérő ellenőrzés; maratási, retusálási hibák ellenőrzése során így kizárhatjuk az esetleges hibákat és hiányosságokat. Többrétegű és finom rajzolatú kétoldalas NYÁK-ok esetén pedig minden esetben elektromos tesztelést folytatunk (ATG A3 és A2 repülőtűs tesztelő gépeinken).

During manufacturing we need to test the printed circuits visually and electrically to avoid high costs and delay in delivery. our test happens on ATG A2 and A3 flying probe testers.

Visual test at the end of the manufacturing process, 100% all the pieces are controlled by our quality control team. If you would like to be sure that your printed circuits, graphic foils are in good hands ask 100% personalized offer from us. Our colleagues will send reply within 1-3 hours.


People behind the name Auter

Our employees are commited to produce qualified products to satisfy customers' demand. Our team has 32 members including design, manufactring process and quality control with their knowledge and experience we are happy to help you.


My name is Attila, I has been working at Auter for 5 years. my work is probably the most shining work, I am doing the gold plating of the printed circuits.


My name is Attila and I work with CNC machines, which make drilling, routing, V-cut. I am pleased to be involved in technical developments because I like getting closer to better and even better quality.


My name is Álmos and I have been working at Auter for 14 years as quality control staff. One of my jobs is the electrical test of printed circuits. I prefer the new orders because they are various.


My name is Bernadett and I have been working at the customer service for 5 years and I am really like my job here.


My name is Dávid and I am here more than 2 years in the CNC factory. I seek for the perfect setting even with thousandth during manufacturing.


My name is Edit, one of the owner and manager of Auter Ltd. I encourage my colleaguse for independent decisions and I make effort to be present at difficult situations.


My name is Erika, I have been working here for 12 years, I do the solder mask screen printing of printed circuits with different colours.


My name is Gábor, I have been working at Auter Ltd, I make the acid etching and immersion silver of flexible printed circuits. I operate two lines of machines and I help in more areas if it is necessary.


My name is Géza and I worked here in the street Cziráky almost my entirely life. I have been coming for 43 years and I have been employee in Auter since the beginning, since 1989.


My name is János, if I say it is good, that is good. I worked with assembled printed circuits for 40 years before I came here.


My name is János, Jani for my colleagues. Since the beginning I am the production manager in the factory, my personality helps me to get along well with my colleagues.


My name is Jenő, I have been working in the screen printing workshop for 16 years. When my creation is ready that inspire s me. You need persistancy and patience for the perfect work.


My name is Józsi, I have been working in the drilling and routing workshop for 17 years as CNC machine operator. I work with many machines at the same time and this make my work diversified.


My name is Kata, I have been working at this firm as photographer, film maker, retoucher. I do many thisngs but I like challenges and I am pleased to work on technical developments.


My name is Józsi and I have been working at Auter for 5 years. Galvanization is a very important part of the printed circuit manufaturing process when connection of layers is born. That is what I do, it is a really nice profession.


My name is Martin, logistics, stock and material purchasing are my duties and so the packaging of final products. I have been working at Auter for 6 years.

Ask your 100% special offer from us!

What happens after sending RFQ to us?

After you send us all the necessary data we will contact you within 3 hours at the e-mail address you informed us about. This way all the details can be clarified easily to make 100% personal offer for You.

If you have any further question regarding design or manufacture of the product you can contact us:
